Safe Haven Asset

safe haven asset

Interesting Phenomenon

More than 120 Home Sales in last 35 Days.  Past crises have brought market to a standstill.

What is a bigger impact?The Covid economy slowdown or the rescue package introduced by the governments?

And why is Singapore Property Market deemed as a safe haven asset in the midst of the Covid Storm?

Supply and Demand

Supply and Demand

Lesser supply in future. Underlying Demand still strong. Eg. More HDB MOP in 2020. 

Developers Land Bank

Developers' Land Bank

Current stock is running low and enbloc fever is over. Developers will be back getting land plots at higher land cost

Strong Fundamentals


Singapore will rebound faster; most countries go into debts to implement economy booster. On the other hand, Singapore only used her reserves

interest rate

Interest Rate

Low Interest Rates is advantageous for Buyers. It will cost lesser to invest in the long run

Aspire to own homes

Aspire to own homes

Property is a need and Long-Term Investment Asset. Definitely is a safer option to grow your wealth

Look at the available choices. Not all property is good buy. You have to do some deep analysis and research to see the Rentability and Resale-ability.